Vicky Sinclair

Patrick Humphreys

Professor Patrick Humphreys is Director of the London Multimedia Lab for Audiovisual Composition and Communication (LML) at the London School of Economics and Political Science (

He is Director at LSE of the EU FP7 Project “CADIC, Cross-organizational Evaluation and Development of Intellectual Capital ( Previously he directed the project “Creative Partnerships: Pathways to Value” for the Arts Council England and leads the RTD team for the European Union’s Framework 6 Project “InCaS: Intellectual Capital Statement, Europe”.

He is responsible for the LML’s joint initiative with Zen Zone Media Lab, Beijing on “Spritivity Workshops”. He has expertise in innovative and creative decision-making, multimedia case study production and decision support for the collaborative authoring of outcomes.

He has led a variety of projects on Small and Medium Enterprise improvement and industrial sector development, enhancement of resources for health, culture, development, and networking in local, national and International contexts. He has been involved in initiatives involving organizational transformation and sector development in many countries.

He is chair of IFIP’s Working Group on Decision Support Systems. In 2006 he was programme chair for the IFIP WG8.3 conference on Creativity and Innovation in Decision making and Decision Support and was a sponsor of the workshop “Live dialogues between different individuals and alternative urban models in the Pearl River Delta” coordinated by Vitamin Creative Space, Guangzhou. He is the author of the Amfilissos flow grid (

Patrick Humphreys is Co-Editor (with Frederic Adam) of the Encyclopedia of Decision Making and Decision Support Technologies (IGI Global, 2009). He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Industry and Commerce, International Chair of the International Creative Industries Alliance, China, and a Director of Papertronic Ltd and Spritivity Worldwide Ltd.

Nacho Duran

Jon Irigoyen

Jon es comisario independiente, artista y programador cultural. Sus investigaciones se centran en las relaciones transversales entre el artista y el espectador, la interacción entre el espacio privado -público urbano y las diferentes percepciones y niveles de la realidad en nuestra sociedad.Fue uno de los miembros fundadores del Colectivo de Danza experimental“Liike” en Barcelona, y desde hace 2 años forma parte del Festival Pixelache en Helsinki. Nació en la sucia, punk, post-industrial ciudad de Bilbao. En los últimos 14 años ha vivido en diferentes ciudades europeas: Madrid, Bristol,

Barcelona, residiendo actualmente entre Helsinki y Barcelona.